Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I Love You Shoes, I Hate You Shoes

I've been reading up on running form, technique and shoe technology now that I'm running a good amount. My current running shoes are on their way out so I needed to find some kind of replacement. I'm trying improve my running form to more of a forefoot strike. It is supposed to decrease the impact force caused by running compared to heel striking. If you are interested in knowing more check out this Harvard Study.

I can't bring myself to buy a pair of Vibram Fivefingers.  They just look ridiculous and I'm pretty attached to wearing socks.  Not to mention that I can't justify spending double what I would normally spend on shoes to feel like I'm not wearing shoes at all.  So I started checking out other minimalist footwear.  I ran across a lot of different options that claim to promote forefoot striking.  They ranged in price and fashion.  I'm going to keep a long story short and say that I decided on a pair of racing flats.  The Saucony Shay XC 2!

Saucony Shay XC 2

I'm very bipolar about these shoes.  First, I love them!  I can still heel strike in them, but it is much more natural and encouraged to forefoot strike.  They fit more like socks than shoes and they are super light.  They cost close to what I would pay for a normal pair of running shoes.  I don't think I need to mention that they also look awesome!  On the other hand, I hate these shoes!  The first time I wore them I couldn't walk without my calves screaming in pain for a full week.  The second time I had the same results for about four days.  Is it ever going to get better?!  Hopefully these are improving my form, but the process is so painful!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rest Days and Bike Saddles

I've taken a few much needed rest days this past week. It is easy for me to get legalistic about following my training plan. Being sure not to miss any workouts has resulted in dropping the ball on some other responsibilities. My house was a mess, my taxes weren't finished, and I wasn't sleeping enough. On my rest days I took care of the things that have been falling by the wayside.

In other thoughts, I cannot understand how it is possible for women to cycle without a cutaway saddle. I tried to once about a week ago and it was the worst exercise experience I've probably ever had. I switched out my saddle with my cutaway mountain bike saddle and I've been much more comfortable since then.

Friday, March 11, 2011

First Clipless Pedal Accident

Today I had my first clipless pedal accident. I parked at a local park and clipped in to ride to the park entrance. Once there, I had to cross the street, but there were cars coming so I had to stop and wait. I unclipped on the left with the plan to lean on that foot. Note to self, my balance on my non-dominant side is not so good. I promptly lost balance and fell to the right. Luckily most of the injury was my pride. I have some minor road rash on my knee, but I had gloves and a long sleeve shirt on so my hands and elbows were spared. A couple cars were passing by at the time so either they got a good laugh and didn't think I looked hurt enough to stop or they didn't see me.

I honestly thought after my first few rides I would never have a clipless pedal accident. That's what I get for getting cocky. At least I fear falling less now that I've done it. Hopefully my first full speed accident is still in the far and distant future.